Influencer Snatches Baby Wombat: Apology Tour & Aussie Outrage

Photo by Michael Jerrard on Unsplash
A recent incident involving an American influencer has sparked outrage across the internet and the land Down Under. Sam Jones, who also goes by Samantha Strable, thought it would be a good idea to snatch a baby wombat from its mother and film it for her Instagram followers. Surprise! It didn’t go over well.
In a not-so-bright moment, Sam posted a video of herself running down a roadside at night, clutching the baby wombat, also known as a joey. Unsurprisingly, the Australian authorities were less than impressed and may have even considered sending her home packing.
“I ran, not to rip the joey away from its mother, but from fear she might attack me,” Jones claimed in her defense, as if that’s supposed to justify her actions. Sorry, but if you’re afraid of a mother wombat, you probably shouldn’t be snatching her baby!
To make matters worse, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese chimed in, calling the video “just an outrage”. And he’s right, grabbing wild animals for clout is not the flex she thought it was. Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke reiterated that the incident is being scrutinized to determine if Jones violated her visa terms before making a hurried exit from Australia. He even quipped, “There’s never been a better day to be a baby wombat in Australia,” emphasizing that this little guy survived the influencer’s reckless antics.
Jones attempted to put on her best apologetic face, saying she was extremely concerned about the two wombats she encountered. “As wombats are so often hit on Australian roads, I stopped to ensure they got off the road safely and didn’t get hit,” she stated. However, experts in animal welfare were quick to point out that her method of rescue, dangling the joey by its legs, could have caused serious harm. Who knew clout chasing could have such consequences?
In a moment of clarity, Jones eventually reflected on her actions and expressed her regret: “I have learned from this situation and am truly sorry for the distress I have caused”. Unfortunately, it might take more than a social media apology to erase this PR disaster. Considering the situation, we can only hope these hefty lessons are taken to heart by influencers everywhere.
So, follow this golden rule, folks: Leave the wildlife alone and think twice before risking a mother’s wrath, especially if she’s a wombat!