Trump's Monthly Tariff Freeze: Procrastination at its Finest

Photo by cornstalker | License
In a move that can only be described as classic Trump, the president signed executive orders delaying a hefty 25% tariff on imports from Mexico and certain goods from Canada. Set to shake things up as predictions of an all-out trade war loom, this procrastination could be the economic equivalent of sticking your head in the sand.
You know it’s bad when the appropriate response isn’t even a full-strength facepalm but rather a whisper of ‘here we go again’. As if delaying tariffs by a month will somehow magically make all the economic angst about a trade war just disappear. Spoiler alert: it won’t.
Let’s break this down. On one hand, Trump’s order is possibly designed to prevent immediate chaos. On the other, it’s just more smoke and mirrors meant to placate an anxious public, worried about the rising costs of everything from avocados to electronics. Meanwhile, the rich get richer, and those with leftover student loans continue to wonder why budgets never balance amid constant price hikes.
Now, aren’t we lucky? This temporary tariff delay does nothing to address the root causes of our economic woes, like the dysfunctional relationship between corporate greed and basic necessities. But hey, maybe pouring a little time into delaying the inevitable will ease the worries of our brave (read: unfortunate) consumers.
As the trade war anxiety simmers, don’t forget that this delay means businesses have a little breathing room, kind of like when you hit the snooze button on your alarm, you’re still late to class, just with slightly fewer regrets. And in the end, who gets the short end of the stick? Yep, you guessed it. Average consumers, who will still end up paying higher prices once the tariffs kick back in.
So, cheers to delay tactics! Is biting our nails in anticipation of an impending trade war the 21st-century version of checking the fridge for snacks? Who knows, but it’s clear that the current administration isn’t too keen on what happens next. For us mere mortals, survival continues to be tricky, while the folks at the top keep playing chess with our pocketbooks.