EPA's Faux Investigation: Just a Rich Game to Freeze Climate Funds

Photo by Declan Sun on Unsplash
In yet another episode of government drama, we have Citibank squaring off against the EPA, and surprise, surprise, it’s all about a little thing called money (or the lack thereof). Citibank, the bank that claims it’s merely playing an ‘administrative role’ in the financial circus, has been ordered to freeze funds for Climate United and several other environmentally-friendly ventures. Why? Because the EPA threw the shade of an ‘ongoing criminal investigation’ into the mix. Because nothing says ‘trust us with your climate future’ like a legal quagmire and vague accusations.
Climate United, bless their hearts, paints themselves as the knight in shining armor, striving to help hard-working Americans afford clean technologies. But it appears their funding got side-swiped thanks to some mighty fine bureaucratic maneuvering. Citibank’s official line claims they just had to follow orders from our illustrious EPA and the Department of Treasury who gave them the green light to wave goodbye to the funds till ‘further notice’. A tad ironic, wouldn’t you say?
Now that’s a lovely gesture, freezing funds amid an ongoing climate crisis, making sure small businesses and everyday folks suffer instead. Hmmm, isn’t it refreshing when the government steps in to protect us from possible criminal activity while effectively murdering clean energy initiatives? What’s that about taking two steps back for each step forward?
Citibank, in its defense, said it was just an innocent bystander caught in the government’s storm of paranoia regarding potential financial wrongdoing and other nebulous accusations of misconduct. They assure us that they had no choice but to bow to the mighty government ‘concerns’ of possible criminal conspiracies, waste, and conflicts of interest. The legal system? Just a minor hurdle, right?
And can we talk about the human toll here? Climate United argues that this situation is making life harder for everyday Americans just trying to make ends meet. It’s almost like the powers that be are saying, ‘Oops, sorry about your small business, I hope you can afford an extra carton of ramen while you wait for us to sort out this faux investigation!’
But hey, isn’t watching this financial fiasco just a part of citizen life in 2025? Let’s raise our glasses to all the folks ‘allegedly’ doing great things for our planet while being stymied by yet more governmental red tape brandishing a badge of legality. Keep your eyes peeled, folks; this plot just thickened.
SOURCE: Ars Technica