Why Kimbal Musk's Seat on the Burning Man Board Should Have You Burning with Concern

Photo by Mike Q Victor
In a shocking plot twist that’s sure to have the flames of Burning Man burning even hotter, Kimbal Musk, the younger sibling of that tech billionaire you love to hate, is now sitting pretty on the board of directors of the iconic desert gathering. Yes, you heard that right. The brother of Elon Musk, who’s too often entangled in the thrifty end of capitalism, is officially part of the Burning Man family. Cue the collective gasp of Burners everywhere.
Despite the annual ticket sales going live last Wednesday with barely a tweet about it, there’s much bigger news afoot. While folks were mildly annoyed that the cheapest tickets were whisked away faster than you can say “neo-liberalism,” an ever-growing unease bubbled on social media. Rumblings emerged about Kimbal’s new position with many Burners questioning how on earth someone connected to one of the biggest names in capitalism could possibly align with the festival’s ethos.
You can practically hear the collective eye rolls as various forums blew up with questions about why Kimbal Musk is now part of the leadership team behind the ultra-hip event. So, let’s ponder on that for a sec. Why is Kimbal Musk allowed to grace the board of a space that’s synonymous with community, creativity, and radical self-expression? One look at the board’s IRS Form 990s confirms: it’s true. He’s really there.
Burning Man is no stranger to controversy, and the news certainly has those in the Burner community worried that the art and expression they treasure are being auctioned off to the highest tech bidder. Critics are wondering what strings might be pulled behind the scenes when there’s a Musk in the mix.
For those attempting to find solace, rest assured that Kimbal has stated he has been an avid Burner since 1998, with only two years off since attending. Sure, that may add some street cred, but it raises a million-dollar question: can he really be trusted to uphold the very unique spirit of Burning Man? I mean, we all know how much influence his older brother wields in this great capitalist experiment we call America.
Jeff Bezos in a tutu seems less threatening than a Musk on the board of your favorite gathering. The self-proclaimed eco-conscious culinary entrepreneur is now one step closer to blending the worlds of tech and arts, two realms not typically known for sharing ice cream after a rough day.
What kind of financial backing might Kimbal bring to the table? Rumors swirled that some hefty donations helped the festival stay afloat post-COVID, but they remain just that, rumors. Just imagine how it must feel for the average Burner trying to vibe when the overwhelming aroma of elitism wafts in the air.
Sure, Kimbal might not be a carbon copy of his brother, he seems more about farm-to-table than the latest tech craze, but let’s not forget that the Musk name is packed with baggage. With this new twist, who knows what could happen at Burning Man? There’s now one less degree of separation between our beloved creative playground and the world of Trumpian politics. So strap in, Burners. This year might just be lit, just not in the way you expect.