Christian School Volleys Out Over Trans Inclusion in High School Sports – Seriously?

Buckle up, Bay Area! The battle lines have been drawn in the high school volleyball court, where a Merced Christian school just forfeited a game against San Francisco Waldorf School. Why? They say Waldorf has a transgender player. Let’s dive into this chaotic mash-up of sportsmanship and scripture, shall we?

By now, you’ve likely heard about the hella dramatic saga unfolding at San Jose State University, where the captain of the women’s volleyball team has launched a lawsuit against her own school over a rumored trans teammate. What does this say about the state of collegiate sports? Well, it’s reflected right here at our high school level.

According to reports from Fresno’s news outlet KSEE, Stone Ridge Christian High School in Merced kicked off their weekend by forfeiting their semifinal match against SF Waldorf, citing their sacred belief that God’s Word is not only unwavering but essential in sports. The message from the school was as direct as a volleyball spiking your face: they do not recognize any changeable nature of sex and therefore will sit this one out rather than share the court with anyone they might suspect as being trans. It’s almost like they think the sport is going to collapse into chaos and confusion if someone dares challenge their binary view of gender.

While Stone Ridge Christian’s academic dean, Julie Fagundes, insists their biblical beliefs are their guiding light, the California Interscholastic Federation says otherwise. According to their bylaws, every student should play on the team that corresponds to their gender identity. Imagine that – a governing body backing fairness and inclusion! Shocking, right?

Of course, this issue isn’t just a local quagmire; it’s part of a national conversation, with 25 states across the U.S. saying “nope” to trans athletes competing on teams aligning with their identity. But, wait – Fresno nonprofit chair Arien Reed raises an intriguing point: plenty of cisgender women can be tall, strong, and athletic. Shocking revelation, I know!

So what’s next for California’s women’s high school volleyball championship? It will carry on Wednesday night, unapologetically, regardless of who sits on the benches. Stay tuned as Waldorf and its contenders keep the spirit of inclusive sports alive while dodging the ridiculous fireballs being hurled from Merced. Because nothing says ‘God loves all’ quite like refusing to share a court.