Microsoft Employees Stage Protest Against Military Contracts: 'Do Our Codes Kill Kids?'

Microsoft’s Workers Say ‘No Way’ to Military Ties

In a stunning display of defiance, five Microsoft employees were tossed from a town hall meeting led by CEO Satya Nadella after protesting the company’s contracts with the Israeli military that allegedly leverage AI for targeting. Because why not be brutally honest while your boss is showing off his latest tech toys?

Footage shows workers flaunting T-shirts with the haunting question, “Does Our Code Kill Kids, Satya?” The incident took place just as Nadella attempted to roll out shiny new products, but honestly, who could focus on innovation when real lives are on the line?

The uproar followed an AP investigation revealing these very AI systems, developed by Microsoft in cahoots with OpenAI, were used to select bombing targets during the deadly conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon. The report notably mentioned a tragic Israeli airstrike that claimed the lives of three young girls and their grandmother. Talk about collateral damage.

Microsoft’s PR machine quickly churned out a statement seeking to brush off the protest, claiming they