Why J.Lo and Ben's Divorce Should Have Us All Reevaluating Prenups
In a plot twist hotter than a California summer, Jennifer Lopez decided to file for divorce from Ben Affleck, and shockingly, there was no prenup in sight. Yes, you read it correctly! The couple, with a combined net worth that could buy this city ten times over, apparently didn’t protect their assets with a fancy legal doc. Turns out, it’s not just celebrities who should think about prenups. If you’re planning to tie the knot, maybe it’s time to take some notes from J.Lo’s playbook, or lack thereof.
For those out there thinking prenups are just for the ultra-wealthy, think again. Raiford Dalton Palmer, a seasoned divorce attorney, is here to enlighten us that prenups aren’t just about the cash. They can actually save you from losing your hard-earned pennies in the event of a divorce, as every dollar spent on legal fees is a dollar you can’t spend on avocado toast, or whatever young Bay Area folks splurge on these days.
Timing is everything. So, if you find yourself in that relationship where the ‘M’ word gets tossed around, channel your inner planner and have that conversation early. Family law expert Linda J. Ravdin suggests broaching the topic before you even start picking out wedding cakes. She’s not wrong, and let’s be real, every wedding planning session should include the “what happens when we break up” chat.
Gently tackling money talk is crucial, too. Julia Rodgers, the CEO of the online prenup platform Hello Prenup, emphasizes that prenups are as much about emotions as they are about dollars. It’s not just about protecting your assets but also minimizing awkward Thanksgiving dinners when you talk about why you need a prenup. Fear of your own parents’ nasty divorces may have you sweating over finances, but that’s all the more reason to have a solid game plan in place.
On the flip side, the absence of a prenup can be a total nightmare. If you and your sweetheart don’t draft one before the big day, you might find yourselves at the mercy of state laws post-divorce, laws that don’t always have your best interests at heart. You don’t want a legal system making you choose between alimony and your beloved cat, do you?
So, here’s a thought: consider getting that prenup in writing. It may feel awkward, like asking your date to Venmo for half of dinner, but trust us, you’ll be glad you did. Plus, if you ever decided to part ways, you’ll be thanking yourselves for preparing in advance, skipping unnecessary heartbreak and expenses. J.Lo and Ben could have used the advice, don’t let love make you a sucker. Take the plunge into prenup territory; it might just save your sanity and bank account in the long run.